Please drop off your non-perishable food items in the back of church any time between now and the third Sunday of the month.
Current Needs:
Food: Oatmeal/Quick oats, Kid-friendly Cereal, Tea, Coffee, Dried Fruit, Peanut Butter, Pasta Sauce, canned vegetables, canned soups/chili, whole grain noodles, jam, jelly, or preserves
Non-Food: Tissues, diaper wipes, baby diapers (sizes 4-6), bladder pads, cat food & litter, toothpaste, feminine hygiene items, shampoo, deodorant, bar soap, dish soap, laundry soap, paper grocery bags
Nut-Free Snacks: 1 oz. pretzels, .75 oz Goldfish crackers, 1 oz. baked chips, applesauce cups/pouches, nut-free breakfast bar, gluten-free snacks, fruit snacks
Thank you for your generosity!