St. Therese 1976 Time Capsule
A Time Capsule was discovered in June 2021 during the remodel of our school! This time capsule was buried on November 16th, 1976 for the Bicentennial. Grades 1-7 are represented. The teachers that year were: Mrs. Shinker (K), Mrs. Skalitsky (1), Mrs. Groetcsh (1), Sr. Infant Mary (2), Sr. Teresa Margret (3), Mrs. Bishop (4), Sr. Jancy (5), Sr. Ritty (6), Sr. Teresa Jose (7), Miss Topping (8), Mrs. Clyborne (Science), and Mrs. Forceir (Art). The Principal is Mr. Doering, and the secretary is Mrs. Strigel.
Grade 1 - Mrs. Groetsch & Mrs. Skalitsky
Grade 2 - Sister Infant Mary
Grade 3 - Sr. Teresa Margret
Grade 4 - Mrs. Bishop
Grade 5 - Sr. Jancy
Grade 6 - Sr. Ritty
Grade 7 - Sister Tresa Jose