Lent at St. Therese

“In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33 

Greetings in Christ,

The season of renewal in Christ is upon us! Lent provides us with an opportunity to grow in our love for Him, deepen our prayer lives, and increase our service to our brothers and sisters in need. This brochure outlines the many activities that St. Therese will host to help you enhance your spiritual life.

This Lent, we will once again offer the Catholic Boot Camp. The Boot Camp is an excellent way to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. It includes attending daily Mass or Adoration at least once a week, praying the rosary daily (decades can be prayed separately), visiting a cemetery with prayers, going to confession at least once, completing a daily examen before going to sleep, performing an act of mercy by helping the poor, and praying the Stations of the Cross at least three times. Those interested in participating in the Catholic Boot Camp can sign up on our parish website. I encourage you to join with a family member or friend!

Additionally, this Lent we are offering our 9th annual women’s retreat on March 7 and March 8. We will host a marriage retreat on  March 15, and a Big Dinner on March 22. Furthermore, from April 5 to April 12, we will host the Shroud of Turin exhibit featuring our guest speaker, Fr. Andrew Dalton.

Finally, we have a great book available for purchase that covers the Sunday Mass readings. In short, there are plenty of opportunities for you to grow in your love for Christ and His Church! As always, please know that you are in my prayers as we begin this season together.

St. Thérèse, pray for us.

Fr. Leonard Andrie, Pastor




Starting March 11

Tuesday - Friday at 3:00pm in the Chapel

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, March 5

Masses: 7:00am, 8:00 am (School Mass), 12pm, & 5:30pm

Tuesday, April 8



Wednesdays: 4:45pm-5:10pm

Saturdays: 8:30am-9:30am &


Stations of the Cross

March 7, 14, 21, 28 - 5:30pm

April 4, 11 - 5:30pm

Good Friday, April 18: Noon

Marriage Retreat

March 15th

Click for More Information


Eucharistic Adoration

Weekly Schedule

Tuesdays: 8:00am-6:00pm

Wednesdays: 7:30am-8:00pm

Thursdays: 8:00am-5:00pm

Fridays: 8:00am-2:00pm

Saturdays: 8:30am-10:00am


Holy Week

Holy Thursday, April 17th

Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7:00pm

Good Friday, April 18th

Confessions, 10:00am - 11:45am

Stations of the Cross, 12:00pm

Veneration of the Cross, 5:00pm

Holy Saturday, April 19th

Easter Vigil Mass, 8:00pm

Easter Sunday, April 20th

Masses: 8:00am and 10:00am


Holy Week for the Whole Family

Article from www.catholic-link.org.

Palm Sunday: Making palm branches and doing a procession, and reading Matthew 21.

Holy Week: Traditions include cleaning out your home, putting together a donation, finishing Lent activities. Make peg dolls and play through the Passion and Easter. Talk about the characters and story in a tangible and physical activity. Find a printable version below. Use Legos and blocks to build different scenes.

Holy Thursday: Host a Lenten Story Meal with your family. Each item on the menu represents a section of the story of Jesus’ passion. You can also consider a Passover meal. Making unleavened bread and perform a family foot washing.

Good Friday: Since Good Friday is a day of fasting, check out this article for 25 great ways to devote the day to Christ!  Make sure to Pray the Stations of the Cross.

Holy Saturday: Make a paschal candle and find out here what it symbolizes. Sit around a fire and read the vigil readings and this ancient homily. 

Beautiful, Ancient Holy Saturday Homily

Easter Sunday: You can work on Easter crafts all eight days of the Octave. We enjoy doing resurrection eggs (https://www.catholicicing.com/catholic-resurrection-eggs/) and resurrection story cookies on Easter itself, and then making resurrection crafts throughout the week.

Lenten Penance Chart


Daily Examen

10-15 minutes each day.


This is a short prayer that helps you reflect on the presence of God in your life. Each night before going to bed, you are encouraged to set aside 10-15 minutes reflecting where God has been in your day. This includes recognizing God’s blessings and where you have sinned and asking our Lord for forgiveness.



Walking with Mary to Jerusalem


The Ascension Lenten Companion: “Enter the heart of Mary as she accompanies Jesus to Jerusalem.” Watch the weekly videos to start each week’s journey using the link below. Through stories and prayer, Fr. Toups gives “fresh insights into the profound love the Lord pours out for us on the Cross.”

The Ascension Lenten Companion: Walking with Mary to Jerusalem

Books will be available after Masses and in the parish office while supplies last. Free will offering.



Meal Pack


Mobile Meal Pack Fundraiser

March 18 & 19, 2025 I St. Therese School Gym

In partnership with Feed My Starving Children, St. Therese Faith Formation, School and Parish community, we will pay for and package over 116,000 meals for starving children around the world! Many volunteers are needed to help with set-up, meal packing, and cleanup.

Goals = Rais $34,000 and pack over 116,000 Meals




Friday Fish Fries


March 14th and March 28th I After Stations of the Cross

It’s our delicious Friday fish fry event - come enjoy fabulous food and community time!

Menu: Beer-Battered Cod, French Fries, Mac & Cheese and Coleslaw. 

$10.00/person. $35.00/family (family with young children or 4 adults maximum) / Advance purchases and cashless transactions recommended.

Volunteer at Fish Fries


Soup Suppers


March 7th, & 21st I After Stations of the Cross

Grab a heartwarming soup with friends and family following the Stations of the Cross.

Free-will donation at the door.


Women’s Retreat

with Father Michael Becker

9th Annual Women’s Retreat

Friday, March 7, 2025, 5:00-9:00pm

Saturday, March 8, 2025, 7:30am-3:00pm

Featuring Special Guest Speaker: Father Michael Becker

Retreat Registration Fee: $60


Easter Flower Donations

Remembering a loved one.


Remember a loved one by purchasing an Easter flower in their name. These flowers will decorate our church throughout the Easter Season. Please print and fill out the form below and drop it off at the church office or place it in the Sunday basket or use the button to donate online.

Form to Print



Lenten Video Reflections

Below are weekly videos highlighting the virtuous life. Feel free to incorporate these videos into your Lenten experience this year!

Intro Video