Volunteer Information

Thank you for offering your time and talents to this event! Click one of the buttons below to sign-up for the opportunity of your choice.

Please send questions to Laura at lhunziker@st-therese.org.



Purpose of Position: To greet and welcome visitors to the church.

  • Greet and guide pilgrims/visitors to the right direction

  • Staff 'Information' Desk at main door of the church

  • Distribute/sell brochures and other materials as necessary

  • Manage money boxes and lost and found

  • Manage the intention baskets

  • Manage veneration line and movement of visitors through the church

  • Answer general questions

  • Be central area for communication for/with Relics Team

Need 8+ volunteers per shift.  Shifts are 4 hours long.



Purpose of Position: To have at least two committed adorers with Jesus for each hour he is exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. 

  • Of course, you and others are invited to come and pray anytime the Blessed Sacrament is exposed during this special event.

  • We will be hosting the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel and in the evening it will be moved to the Sanctuary. 

  • When you arrive and leave, we will have a sign-in and a sign-out sheet for you to write your name. 

  • Some flexibility in time will be required surrounding Mass and speakers. 

If you have any questions, please contact Geri Korman at 952-473-4422 or gkorman@st-therese.org

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!


Parking Attendant

Purpose of Position: To help direct and assist pilgrims/visitors with parking.

  • Direct pilgrims/visitors to alloted parking spots

  • Direct traffic to maintain flow throughout campus

  • Manage overflow parking & volunteer parking

  • Assist pilgrims/visitors with questions, getting from parking to the church

  • Assist in keeping the campus clean

Attendants will be needed Thursday through Sunday from 7:00 am - 10:00 pm. Need approximately 35 people per shift.  Shifts are 4 hours long.



Event Set-up

Purpose of Position: To ensure that the different events and areas are all set up and ready for different special events throughout the time the Relics are at St. Therese.

  • Set-Up chairs, etc. for Thursday's speaker event

  • Take-Down/Cleanup after Thursday's event

  • Set-Up chairs, etc. for Father Rocky and the Archbishop Mass on Friday

  • Take-Down/Cleanup after Friday's event

  • Assist in moving exhibits, etc. as needed

Need 6 volunteers per shift.  Shifts are 1 hours long.


Relics Attendant

Purpose of Position:  To maintain cleanliness and the Holiness of the Relics and the area surrounding the Relics.

  • Create a calm and clean climate for all pilgrims 

  • Assist in keeping the relics clean, attractive at all times.  This includes wiping them down at regular intervals.

  • Assist in keeping the area around the relics clean; collect intentions and items left a relics by pilgrims at regular intervals.

  • Assist in helping answer questions or direct pilgrims in the right direction.

Need minimum of 2 volunteers per shift.  (Shifts are 4 hours long).



St. Therese Community Dinner

Purpose of Position: On Wednesday, October 11, during the Relics Visit, St. Therese will host dinner for the St. Therese community after the evening Mass. Volunteers will help set-up, serve and clean-up.  

  • Set-up chairs, tables, etc. for Wednesday's Community Dinner

  • Serve food and drinks during dinner.

  • Cleanup & take-down after dinner.

  • Volunteers during the first shift (3:30 - 7:30 pm) will also help with Faith Formation activities before dinner.

Need 40 volunteers for the two 3-4 hour shifts.


Thank you to our event sponsors!


Questions or special requests?